Saturday, November 5, 2011

Staying the Course

I haven't had much time to blog lately, so I'm trying to catch up today. The "Make Better Choices" motto has been going well. Surprisingly, the hardest meal of the day has been dinner. Before I started this plan I was buying fast food for breakfast every single day of the week on my way to work, and on the weekends I was getting fast food for lunch or dinner. I haven't stopped for breakfast at all since I started eating better! This is a big deal for me!! I've been taking my oatmeal, fruit and yogurt to work with me and it's been great!

Lunch is pretty easy too and I've been taking lots of healthy snacks with me to help get me through the day without being hungry. My breakfast, lunch and snacks using take up 1,000 of my self-allowed 2,000 calories a day.

Dinner is the one meal that I thought would be the easiest since my parents using cook for me (yes, it's awesome! lol). But with my grandfather having surgery and my mom being out of town for a few days, my mom not feeling well due to her back issues, and my dad not feeling well due to his back issues... they haven't been doing much cooking. So I've had to fend for myself. It wouldn't be so bad if I had planned ahead like I do for breakfast and lunch, but I usually don't know what's for dinner until I get home.

I'll admit... I did succumb to the fast food... three times in the last three weeks. That's really good for me though! And I tried to get a healthier choice rather than the super bad stuff that I would usually eat. Even though I've cheated a few times, I still really good about my lifestyle change and how I'm doing. I haven't weighted myself, mostly because I don't have a scale, but I feel like I've lost at least a little bit. And I'm proud that even though I've had some bad days, I still made better choices than before and got right back on my program the next day. Before I would have a bad day and just give up all together.

Another thing I've realized is how much my emotions play into my eating habits. I knew I've always been an emotional eater, but I guess I never really noticed how much. I've been in a major funk this week... down in the dumps about a couple of things. All I wanted to do when I got home from work was eat... snack food really. I gave into that a couple of times, but again, I ate better snacks than I would have before. Light string cheese, reduced fat wheat thins, fruit, etc. I'm still feeling "funky" (lol - at least I can laugh at myself) but I'm trying not to eat my way to happiness cause it hasn't worked for me so far.

So... to sum it up... I'm sticking to the plan. I've had some good days and some bad days, but over all I'm proud of myself.

Till next time.... =)