Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Failure Is A Funny Word

It's been a loooonnnngggg time since my last blog. I would love to be able to update the world with the great news of all my amazing weight loss, but alas that has not happened. My latest weight loss attempt has failed, yet again, just like every other weight loss attempt before it. Well, let me rephrase... I have failed again.

Before I was even done paying for the Power 90 DVD set I had stopped working out. It started with an "I'm busy today," and an "I'm too tired," and ended with an "I might as well give up again cause it's been a week." Disappointing, I know. I feel like such a loser. Why can't I do this?!

So here I am, once again, back at the beginning. At the beginning of my Power 90 quest, I thought it would be easier to do since I was on summer break. I was wrong. I had no structure, no routine. On the days that my son was his father I would sleep in late, stay up till 2 am (watching Criminal Minds and Storage Wars... but that's for another blog), and I found myself snacking at midnight. Awful! Now that I'm going back to work (yuck) maybe it'll be easier.

So... even though I have once again failed I'm taking this failure as the beginning of my next trail. One door has closed but another one has opened. Yes, I failed. But with this failure comes a renewed sense of motivation.

This time... I'm trying Weight Watchers.

I feel like I'm jumping from one gimmicky weight loss program to another. But I don't know what else to do! Maybe if I focus on my eating first, then incorporate the exercise.... I don't know. I really don't know what else to do!

So, Weight Watchers it is! I've done it in the past and lost 20 pounds in 2 months, then I gave up. Hopefully this time I'll lose the weight and not give up! I'm doing it online this time though so I don't have the excuse of not being able to make the meetings. I'm starting to think about what kinds of foods I will need for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Breakfast is my downfall! I love stopping through the drive-thru for my quick breakfast sandwich and large coke! So I'll need to find something quick and easy that I can make for breakfast. And after today, lunch will be pretty easy. Three words... Fresh and Easy!

I really just went to Fresh and Easy today to get my favorite hummus (lemon cilantro, YUM!) and ended up getting some new things to try out. The salads I bought will be perfect for lunch! They are low in calories and fat! And veggies are good for you! I've heard a lot about Greek yogurt so I figured I'd try it out. This particular one comes with granola to put in it. The Greek Yogurt is higher in calories that a regular low-fat or non-fat yogurt, but it has a lot more protein. And then for my snack food cravings, I picked up some Popchips (sooo good!) and some Baked Cheese Curls. Fresh and Easy has so many different prepackaged foods that should make it easy for me to stay on track for lunch. And they claim to have no preservatives! Dinner shouldn't be too difficult because my parents are going to be doing WW with me! (See below for an update on that.) Plus, WW online has a lot of recipes online that we can try.

So, here I go again... on my mission to Cut Elysia In Half! Wish me luck, once again! lol.

PS -- On a personal note, to update you all on my life... I'm currently living with my parents and plan on staying here until I'm ready to buy a house of my own. It should take about a year but it really is for the best (even though living with your parents at 30 years old is not the most desirable situation). My relationship with my husband has ended and I am moving on and up. We are still friends and co-parenting Dylan to the best of our ability. Dylan is adjusting to his new living situation and knows that there's a Mommy's house and a Daddy's house. He'll be starting pre-school on Monday and turns 3 years old on August 21st! I can't believe it! Things really are starting to look up for me, and I'm sticking to my new motto - Be assertive and speak your mind! =)


  1. That should be great that your parents are trying it, too. You can all keep each other motivated and on track - a powerful, built-in support system right in your own home! Can't beat that! I've heard good things about Weight Watchers. I should look into that, too. Time for my post-Brendon-baby weight to come off. :)

  2. I think we have twin lives right now except the living w parents part!!!! I'm proud of your outlook. It's hard to admit to yourself let alone the world that you are at a new beginning. Good luck!!!

  3. Yay! A blog post!
    I'm reading this from MY parents house, so I understand about all that...I'm sorry to hear about Valentino, but I know that everything will work out for the best for you and Dylan. As for weight watchers, it's the ONLY program that my mom (a registered dietitian) will recommend, so good choice there.


  4. I've struggled this summer too with the amount of work on my plate Elysia, but we aren't failures, as long as we don't give up and try, try again. The trying at least keeps the weight from going further up. You can do this!

  5. Congratulations, Elysia, on your great point of view! I've got to say, I'm so excited that we're able to be a source of quick, easy meals that help you stick to your goal.

    A note about preservatives, we commit to using no artificial preservatives. We do use preservatives on occasion (when absolutely necessary) - if we need to use a preservative, it's usually something natural like salt. The salads are a wonderful choice and you might also do some label checking on the EatWell line of meals to see if those fit your WW allowances, too.

    I hope that input has some value to you. You're such an inspiration, setting your goal and working so hard to achieve it! Thanks for being a great role model for the rest of us!

  6. Thanks Nicole! I'm so excited that my little blog was noticed by you! :) I will definitely be doing more shopping at your stores! It's fabulous and you have so many healthy options for me that fit into my budget.

    to the rest of you... Thank you so much for your continued support! You are all amazing motivations to me!

  7. Congratulations on being able to pick right up and try towards your goal again. The hardest part is not letting failure tear you down. I can't wait to watch your progress.
