Today was a day of temptation. It was a challenge to set my mind to workout mode and actually get it done.
It started out by playing outside with my son in his little kiddie pool, napping on the couch with him, then more pool time outside. My mom came home from the store with Chocolate Creme Twinkies. I swear the devil himself created those. I didn't eat one, but I wanted to. Needless to say, I didn't get my workout in early in the day like I had wanted.
Then it was time to drop my son off with his dad. Still the worst feeling ever. I stopped for a Coke Slurpee on the way home so I wouldn't be tempted to stop for a cheeseburger and fries. My good friend called me and asked me to come over and hang out. Hanging out with this friend means great conversation and a double bottle of Moscato wine. lol. Very tempting! I soooo wanted to go hang out but I knew if I did I wouldn't be home until late tonight and I would be skipping my day 4 workout. As hard as it was, I resisted and went home. I knew if I got in the habit of skipping days to hang out, my entire routine would be off and I might as well quit now. Thankfully my friend understood. =)
Now, just because I declined this invitation doesn't mean I ran straight home and did my workout. I had no motivation to pop in that dvd and do my circuit workout. I knew it was going to be hard and that my arms and legs would hurt afterward. (It's hard to even type right now - even worse when my 'd' button isn't working properly!) I was in a funk when I got home and spent most of the night addicted to the show Extreme Couponing on TLC. On a side note, why does anyone need 1,000 tubes of toothpaste at one time? Wow.
So, 8:00pm hit, I hadn't worked out and all I wanted to do was continue sitting on my butt and watching TV. What did I do?? I laced up my sneakers and did my circuit workout, of course! It was a struggle but I did it. I am very proud of myself! I didn't give in to temptation or my laziness. I got off my butt and stuck to my program! Yay me!
My mom looked into a Senior Center near our house today. They have an indoor pool and since she has back and leg issues she wants to try water aerobics since it's less stressful on the body. They have a Aqua Zumba class! You don't have to be over 50 to go either! Anyone over 21 can enroll. It runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays from July 11th though August 6th, so that's what I'll be doing. It sounds like fun - zumba and pool time!
So that's my day 4. This weekend will be busy. I have to make sure I get my workout in early tomorrow and Friday since I have plans in the evening. No excuses!
Till tomorrow... (I wish I had that bottle of wine right now!)
Wow! You've been a blogging maniac. Good job resisting that bottle of wine and keep up the good work :) Miss you.