Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 1 - DONE!

I did it! I started my workout program today! WOOHOO! I said I was going to do it and I stuck with it! YAY ME!

I woke up, had a cheese stick to get me going, and put in the dvd. I learned three things today...
#1: I need a new dvd player. I borrowed one from my dad which works just fine. However, I need the remote for it to move over to the Circuit video, which is what I was supposed to do today. Since I couldn't get over to the circuit video I just did the cardio video. I'm sure it doesn't matter which one I do first but I have to do the circuit tomorrow which means I'll need a dvd player with a remote! I'll be making a trip to my house today and stealing the one that's in the bedroom. lol.

#2: Yoga and I just don't mix. The cardio video started with a warm-up/stretching section. It went well, I was able to do all the moves at my own level. Then it moved into a "Power Yoga" section. I tried. I borrowed a yoga mat that I found at my parents house. I'm not sure who it belongs to... it's either one of my sister's old mats or it used to be my brothers. Either way, I'm using it now. The video started with "planks." Yeah... no. Then it moved into "downward dog" and some other things. I couldn't hang with all that, so I did my own stretching moves. It's hard doing it on tile floor though. My knees and butt hurt sitting on the floor, even with the mat. I feel like I need on of those thick gymnastic mats that we used un elementary school when they taught us tumbling!

#3: Two words..... sports bra. Enough said.

The rest of the video went well. I did some running, kicking, punching. I sweated, which is a good thing I guess. Then they did a cool-down/stretching section at the end, and I was done. It went into an Ab burner section, but I wasn't going to attempt that today. I'm just proud that I did the stuff I did! I didn't want to get on that tile floor, with that tiny little mat under me and hurt my back trying to do crunches!

So, I decided that I may need to supplement this video with some other classes. Since I am a member of Gold's Gym, I looked up the class schedule for this week. I plan to hit the Tuesday Zumba class at 7:30pm, the Thursday Aqua Fitness class at 9am, and maybe another Zumba class on Friday at 10am. I'm also enrolling my son in Baby and Me swim lessons so I'm hoping to get some exercise during that also.

I'll update again tomorrow after Day 2 and the first circuit video. In that video I'm supposed to use the resistance band that came with it. Fun! I'm also going swimming with a friend in the morning (for fun, not working out) and Dylan's first swim class will be tomorrow afternoon. Busy day... but I'll find time for my Power 90 workout and a blog update!

Till tomorrow.... =)


  1. Im starting a work-out program because of you!! I love Yogs, feels soooo good even if you cant do all the stretches...just do what you can until you cant :)
    I have joined a few mommy n me activities and LOVED them!!! I especially love the swim lessons. They are tons of fun (and in the water everyone looks the same in their suits lol!)
    Keep going strong!!

  2. I am scared of the muscle confusion programs. I just feel like I can't do it so why try... mucho kudos to you!

    Day 1 done... bring it day 2 !

  3. Keep up the good work! If you ever want someone to go with you to a class at Gold's, let me know. I've never tried any of their classes but would like to sometime. Now that Don is done with school, I have more time that he can watch the boys and I could go work out.

  4. Yay Ely! Starting is always the hardest part. I hate Yoga too, but Zumba is very fun. You should do it! The first class can be rough because you won't know the steps, so stick it out for a few classes.
